“Smoke on the Water” was a song that was a hit in its day. Its simple melody and catchy hook made it an instant classic. The best part was, it is still played today. Fortunately, it is not hard to play. With a little practice, any guitarist can master the art of the rock and roll solo. If you’re just starting out, be sure to check out our beginner’s guide.

Photo by Simon Weisser on Unsplash
One of the best guitar riffs of all time is a simple four note riff that’s been around for decades. This is a great example of how an old favorite can still make a comeback. And with luck, the new version will become a favorite amongst the younger set. So, what are you waiting for? Start practicing today. You’ll be surprised how much fun you can have. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned veteran, this song is sure to tickle your eardrums.
The most important thing to remember is that the aforementioned riff isn’t the only one on your finger tips. You may have to learn how to read the scorecard. In fact, you may be able to play Smoke on the Water on all six strings! However, the trick to a successful rendition is to know which string to pick first. A good rule of thumb is to start with the octave below your octave. Also, be sure to pay attention to the guitar’s scale and feel. When playing the aforementioned riff, be sure to maintain a proper bend on your strings. Doing this will prevent your aforementioned guitar from sounding too flat.

Photo by Nihal Demirci Erenay on Unsplash
Smoke on the Water is a bit of a cult classic. Regardless of the fact that it’s been around for over four decades, you’ll be surprised at how many musicians of every skill level still find the song entertaining. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned vet, it’s a fun song to play and a blast to listen to. As a matter of fact, many players are comparing notes on the aforementioned riff, or have snuck in a few licks themselves. So, if you’re looking to up your game, check out the aforementioned riff and enjoy the ride. Your efforts are sure to pay off handsomely. After all, your favorite band’s greatest hits album is a treasure trove of musical gold.